
Please enter your personal information below:

* Required fields must be completed

Enroller Name:

Personal Information

Full Legal Name that shows on Social Security Card or EIN Form
Example - 9596768799
Example: mm/dd/yyyy - 05/15/1970


The password you entered above will be used when accessing your backoffice. Please enter your password below twice to make sure it is entered correctly into our system.

Select a Enrollment Option:

  Platinum Membership - $599.99
* Platinum Membership - $599.99
* $179.99 Monthly
All fees USD

Your User Name can be between 1 and 20 characters long. Try to use a name that represents you and/or your company name. Please do not use invalid characters like spaces or !@#$%^&*()?.,<>'";:\/{}[].
Enter the unique "user name" in the box above that you want for your Website.
These will be your personal website to use and share. Please write down your website. Example - your "KA" website:
If you type "bob" in the box above, your Personal "KA" Corporate web address will be: https://ourkingdomalliance.com//bob
All website address names are subject to approval by KA

Choose your Default Replicated Site Home Page



